In the message “The Feast of Trumpets,” preached on July 19, 1964, the prophet told of how he desired to speak on the seven trumpets in the Book of Revelation, but God showed him that he had already preached on them supernaturally under “The Sixth Seal,” on March 23, 1963.
Then in the message “Ashamed,” preached on July 11, 1965, the prophet told the congregation that he would approach the subject of the seven vials over six services, beginning the following Sunday of July 18, then again on the Sunday of July 25, and completing the subject on the Sunday of August 1.
As the seven trumpets were supernaturally preached under the sixth seal, so too were the seven vials preached supernaturally in six services spanning three weeks…
Sunday, July 18
Trying to do God a service without it being His will
Spiritual food in due season
Sunday, July 25
Anointed ones at the end time
What is the attraction on the mountain?
Sunday, August 1
God of this evil age
Modern events made clear by prophecy