About Panoramic

Panoramic was created in 2009 by Matthan Gray, an associate minister at Rapturing Grace Tabernacle in New Zealand.

With 23 years of teaching ministry to date (as of 2025), the website was born from a desire to share the deeper details of scripture with the world, and to keep it free of manmade doctrines, agendas, slants/bents, politics, wild speculations and lengthy expositions that often appear in the writings of those who approach the scriptures.

The ultimate purpose of Panoramic is to present an array of subjects to the reader in a clear and concise manner that is balanced, easy to follow and plain to understand, and the desired result of such an endeavor being a richer understanding of the Bible and a closer walk with the Lord Jesus.

It is the sincere wish of the author that the content of this website would be a great help and tremendous blessing to the Bride of Jesus Christ around the world.