When the prophet visited beyond the Curtain of Time on May 8, 1960, not only did he see the theophanies of the saints, but he saw his dog Fritz, and his horse Prince who were special companions to him during his younger years. The Voice then spoke to the prophet and said, “All that you ever loved, and all that ever loved you, God has given you here.” Added to this is an earlier experience the prophet had in a dream shortly after his first wife (Hope) had died. In the dream, the prophet was in a paradisal world and saw his daughter Sharon and his wife Hope, and also saw his comfortable Morris chair that the finance company repossessed when the prophet could not make the payments on it.
The curious might ask as to why animals and a chair could possibly exist in a world of theophany, and in what form were these animals and in what form was the chair? But a little analysis of the prophet’s experience and of what the scriptures teach us will make very plain how all these things are quite possible and perfectly sound.
The Region of the Blessed (the sixth dimension) is a world where the New Testament saints in their theophanies are awaiting the first resurrection. Because it is a world created by God for them, it also has many similarities to the physical world in which we live. The prophet described a great spreading field of bluegrass when he visited the Region of the Blessed, and his wife Hope (when she was dying and about to cross over into the next world) told him of palm trees and big birds flying from tree to tree.
It then becomes very plain to see that although the Region of the Blessed is a world populated by saints in their theophanies, yet it has botany life, animal life, bird life, an atmosphere (sky), and so many other similarities to our own world. Even the rich man in Hell pleaded for some cool water from Paradise (Luke 16: 24), which suggests that there were bodies of water such as streams and rivers and great lakes in that world where the Old Testament saints were awaiting the resurrection following Calvary (Matthew 27: 50 – 53).
The prophet’s dog and his horse had died long ago in this world, but God took the spirit of Fritz (the dog) and the spirit of Prince (the horse), and placed them into brand new bodies in the next world, for they recognized the prophet and remembered their connection to him, showing that they had the exact same nature and character traits, although now in a perfect Edenic state. Even the Morris chair (that was perhaps still in existence in this world, and had since been resold to furnish somebody else’s home) was there in the Region of the Blessed, because God had supernaturally created one there for His prophet. The truth is, the Morris chair in Glory was in existence before the Morris chair that was made in some factory in this world!
If we are to consider the seventh dimension where Jesus is in His corporal body, we will learn a little something to prove that such a world was not restricted to supernatural beings who all have the exact same glorious body. One might ask how this is so? Well, when God created the angels, we discover that Lucifer and the angels he deceived never had eternal life nor did they have a theophany, but yet they existed in that world, and were eventually expelled from Heaven and lost their glorious bodies. So they shared a world with other angels, but the bodies they had were not of the same enduring caliber as a theophanic body, nor did they have the quality of character as the other angels who remained faithful.
With all these things considered, it becomes easy to see that the Region of the Blessed, although being a world for the saints who have gone on, yet it is not limited to just people in their theophanies, for there are animals and birds and botanic life there as well, and so much more exists in that place that we have not as yet even considered.