
153 fishes

A butler and baker imprisoned with Joseph

A dog, a horse, and a chair in the world of theophany

A God-ordained pastor is a true shepherd

A hidden mystery of Enoch and Abraham

A measure of wheat for a penny

A parallel universe

A sealing between the earthquakes

A serpent in God’s Eden and a prophet in Satan’s Eden

A servant sent at supper time

A thousand years are as one day in God’s sight

A window shalt thou make to the Ark

About three thousand

Abraham met Melchizedek before the King of Sodom got to him

Abraham spoils principalities and powers

Abram to Abraham & Branam to Branham

Adam lived to the ninth generation of his offspring

Adversaries raised up against America

Ahab wounded in his chariot

Ahab’s three wars


America and the Tabernacle

America rejects its final call

America’s civil war

An advanced civilization existed before the Flood

An altar and a pillar in Egypt

An eastern love story and a western love story

An ice age after the Flood

And He came and took the Book

And He told Sarah what she was thinking behind Him

And the evening and the morning were the second day

And the mountains were covered

Angels that never fell

Armageddon is a series of military campaigns

Arrows of a mighty expert man

As birds flying

As it was in the days of Noah

Astral projection


Behemoth and Leviathan

But in the days of the voice

Cain’s mark

Caught in the net

Cincinnati Zoo


Clothing and the spirits that associate with it

Coastal cities destroyed by God

Damascus is taken away from being a city

Daniel is the Old Testament Book of Revelation

Daniel’s seventy weeks

Deformed into another species

Dimensions opened by a fallen angel and a mighty Angel

Dressing correctly comes through the blood

Earth’s justification, sanctification, and fire baptism

Elijah the prophet

Enoch and Noah walked with God

Entertaining angels unawares

Esau warring over the birthright and the blessing

Esther’s two banquets

Eyes as a flame of fire

Ezekiel’s 390 days and 40 days

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Job

Five months of torment

For Thou only art holy

Four angels loosed from the River Euphrates

From the beginning of the creation

From thought to flesh, bypassing the Word

Gabriel and Michael

Gaza shall be forsaken


God sees what is not under the blood

Gog and his armies & the Beast and his armies

Goliath had four brothers

Ham’s transgression

Haman’s ten sons

Harvests of barley, wheat, and grapes

He shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas

He shall rule the nations with a rod of iron

Hell is not a burning place

Hell is not eternal

Hope and Meda

How Joseph revealed himself to his brothers

I will set My throne in Elam

Identifying counterfeit doctrine

Identity crisis

In his days was the earth divided

Isaac’s wells

Israel’s three wars against Sihon, Og, and Jericho

It is not good that the man should be alone

It is the Cloud that separates us from the world

Jerusalem will be the Stalingrad of World War Three

Jesus had two spirits

Jesus rode upon a donkey and will ride upon a horse

Jesus’ appearing and coming

Jezebel eaten by dogs of war

Job is the oldest book in the Bible

John the Baptist and William the Baptist

Jonah in the belly of the fish

Judas had Jesus’ address

Kings of the four cardinal points

Kirjathsepher: the city of the book

Lazarus and the rich man

Lazarus, come forth!

Let us make man in our image

Lightnings, thunderings, voices, and an earthquake

Lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf

Los Angeles sinks into the Pacific

Lucifer’s glorious covering of nine stones

Man is a triune being

Manifestations of the Holy Ghost are not the evidence of the indwelling

Mockery made of the rainbow covenant

Moses’ three signs

Multiplication by the Spoken Word

Music casts out and brings down spirits

My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me!


Nine classes of angels

No more salvation and healing in the Tribulation

Noah, Daniel, and Job

Othniel and Samson, the first and last of Israel’s judges

Out of Egypt I called My son


Persia’s kings

Planet Earth was chosen as the place in the universe for redemption to be expressed

Pleiades and Orion

Portals to another world

Predestination by origin versus predestination by foreknowledge

Progressive revelation

Prophetic times in the Book of Daniel

Raptured between six and nine in the morning

Resurrections that advanced

Robes of Glory before the Fall

Rock and roll & witchcraft

Rome’s covenant with the Jews starts the Tribulation

Sacrificial laws, dietary laws, and moral laws

Samson loses his hair, his strength, and his eyes

Samuel called up from Paradise

Satan tries to kill the exodus prophets at a young age

Seduction in Eden

Seven shepherds and eight principal men

Sharks swimming in downtown Los Angeles

Shem, Ham, and Japheth

Silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour

Silhouettes of Jesus’ face and the prophet’s face in the skies above Arizona

Sodom and Gomorrah

Son of Man, Son of God, and Son of David

Souls under the altar

Spirits coming forth out of the mouth

Spirits live on

Spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity (the new birth to adoption)

Standing and state

Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac

That was Jesus in Jesus

The animal kingdom is connected with man

The Battle of Gog and Magog happens twice

The beasts of the earth

The Book of Jasher

The Book of Life

The chariots shall rage in the streets

The crimson worm

The Elijah ministry and the Eliezer ministry

The evidence of the Holy Ghost

The fall of the Berlin Wall

The final Arab-Israeli War

The folded napkin within the sepulchre

The four writings of the Bible

The iniquity of the Amorites

The invasion of Israel and advance upon Jerusalem at Armageddon

The judicial process of the heavenly court

The little horn of the he goat and the little horn of the dragon

The LORD said unto my Lord

The LORD shall save the tents of Judah first

The Menorah

The message of the hour is the keys to unlock the Bible

The natural birth is more mysterious than the virgin birth

The new name

The pre-Adamic civilization

The Rapture

The Rapture of the Old Testament saints

The return of the Spoken Word by the coming of a prophet

The right seed and the right womb

The Serpent is the missing link between man and beast

The seven church ages from Abraham to Joshua

The seven church ages in Genesis

The seven dimensions

The seven dispensations of the Bible

The seven mountains on which the woman sitteth

The seven Roman kings

The seven seals in Genesis

The seven seals in Matthew 24

The seven thunders

The seven trumpets in Genesis

The seven vials are poured out at Armageddon

The seven vials in Genesis

The seven vials preached supernaturally

The seventh angel is the last one-man scripture

The sides of the North

The sons of God who presented themselves before the LORD

The sovereignty of the local church

The spirit of suicide

The Squeeze

The Star of Bethlehem

The stature of a perfect man

The ten horns

The ten toes (Eisenhower and Khrushchev)

The ten virgins

The three exoduses

The three heavens

The three judgments

The three ordinances Jesus left to us

The three robes

The three showdowns

The three visitations of the Son of God to Daniel

The three visitations of the Son of Man

The three woes in the days of Abraham

The title on the cross

The Tower of Babel

The towers fall

The twelve stones of New Jerusalem

The two beginnings

The two Cherubim above the Mercy Seat

The two eternals

There were giants in the earth in those days

They without us should not be made perfect

Thirteen is the number of America

This day is this scripture fulfilled

This generation shall not pass

Tithes and offerings

Treasures of the snow


Unity of the Spirit to the unity of the faith

Vicarivs Filii Dei

Violence against Jacob

War in the Persian Gulf

Water baptism

When the Son of Man cometh

Who did Jesus pray to?

Why the earth isn’t flat

William Branham is the angel who showed John the Book of Revelation

Winds of war held back

Woe to Ariel

Woe, woe, woe

Women with a preaching gift
