When God deals with His sons and daughters, He takes them through a process of justification, sanctification, and Holy Ghost baptism. This process that God takes a believer through is exactly the same process in how He deals with the earth. The earth was justified when the Flood washed it clean in the days of Noah, it was sanctified by Jesus’ blood on Calvary, and then under the sixth seal, it has a baptism of fire that purifies it for the Millennium.
When a man is in Christ, he becomes a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17), but he is still in a fallen body of sinful flesh whilst having the indwelling Spirit of God in his soul. It is the power of the Holy Ghost that keeps the Law of Sin in our fallen body subject to the Word, so we can still be tempted, but we have a power to keep this body in check. Paul explains all this so well for us in Romans 7: 14 – 25.
The full baptism of the Holy Ghost for the believer will happen at the translation, when this fallen mortal body will be changed into a glorified immortal body that is free from sin and death. This is the same pattern for the earth. Having had its baptism of fire under the sixth seal, we learn that sin and death still exist in the Millennium (Isaiah 65: 20; Zechariah 14: 16 – 19), but are greatly restrained because Jesus will be reigning as King over the whole earth. As the fallen flesh body of the believer will become a new body that is free from sin and death, so the earth will receive a full baptism of fire (2 Peter 3: 10; Revelation 20: 11) and be restored as a new earth (Revelation 21: 1) where sin and death no longer exist in it.