Scientists have a theory that beyond the observable universe, other universes may exist as well. They call this a “multiverse.” A multiverse made up of more than one universe is simply fantasy, but what is true is that we do live in a parallel universe, where the unseen world or next dimension is coexisting with our own universe. This is scriptural and also fits with what the prophet told us from his experiences of the supernatural.
We shall look at a few statements of the prophet to establish this truth, for he more than any other person was an authority on the supernatural, and would tell us in the message “God testifying of His gifts” (July 13, 1952) that he lived a big part of his life in another dimension that the world knows nothing about. This statement he made in the name of the LORD, so he surely knew what he was talking about when it comes to the unseen and a parallel universe. Added to this is another clue about the parallel universe coexisting with us, for the prophet would say to the audience during the prayer and discernment line of the message “Contending for the faith” (February 20, 1956) that he was at that very moment living in another dimension in the spirit world whilst standing before them.
The next thing we learn about the parallel universe where the prophet lived a big part of his life by vision, was in a prayer he prayed in the message “My Angel shall go before thee” (February 16, 1953). Whilst praying, He asked the Lord to open up “them circles and dimensions,” in other words, when the prophet looked into the next world by vision, it would open up to him as a circle, getting bigger and bigger until he was entirely inside the world that had opened up.
We also learn from the prophet in the message “Christ is revealed in His own Word” (August 22, 1965) that when we go to Heaven, we do not fly off somewhere else, but that we are still right here, in another dimension faster than this one. To put it a little more plainly, the spirit world or the next dimension is of a faster frequency than this one, which also tells us something of a scientific nature, and it is this: matter is spirit slowed down; so if matter is sped up, it will vanish into another dimension, and if matter in the next dimension is slowed down, it will appear in our world.
As a little extra information on the thought of spirit being matter slowed down, we shall look at the experience of the prophet in Sabino Canyon when he received the King’s Sword in his hand. The Sword fitted the prophet’s hand perfectly, and had a pearl handle, a guard of gold, and a sharp featheredged blade of shiny silver. That Sword which represented the Word was supernaturally created by God and pulsated at the frequency of this world for it to materialize in the prophet’s hand. Then when the Sword vanished from the prophet’s hand, all that happened was that the frequency of the Sword sped up, and It disappeared back into the eternal realm from which It was created.
Lastly, we shall look at a story the prophet recounted in the message “Watchman, what of the night?” (November 30, 1958). The prophet tells of when he visited the Pisgah Church Bible Institute in California, and of how the congregation were softly singing during the altar call. Whilst the congregation were singing, the prophet then heard at the same time the sweetest soprano voices of singing women in the unseen world. He looked at his audience of perhaps two or three thousand people by his reckoning, but the heavenly choir in the next world sounded as if it consisted of a hundred thousand singers.
What happened on that most incredible of days was a rare glimpse of a parallel worship taking place in a parallel world. The saints beyond the Curtain of Time were worshipping in Glory whilst the saints were worshipping in this world. These few excerpts from the message of the prophet reveal just how close the next world is to ours, and that a parallel universe exists with us, whether we are conscious of it or not.