Genesis 3: 7: And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
Genesis 3: 21: Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
When Adam and Eve fell, they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves, thinking that such a covering would hide their nakedness from God. But when God clothed Adam and Eve, He took away their fig leaves and clothed them with bloody lamb skins.
Man in his fallen condition cannot dress himself correctly. A pastor can preach a clothesline message to his congregation and attempt to tell the men and women what is inappropriate dressing and what is appropriate, but that is only according to his own interpretation and way of seeing things.
For a man or woman to dress themselves correctly, the revelation behind it is going to have to come through the blood of Jesus Christ, to make them display that what they are wearing is because of a slain Lamb. When Jesus’ blood was shed on Calvary, the Holy Spirit was loosed upon the Church through the shedding of His blood, and when a person receives the Holy Ghost, God will show them how to dress themselves correctly without any man forcing them into it.
When the prophet of God went to Africa and preached before vast crowds of tribal Africans, many of those people were wearing their native dress that consisted of very little. The women especially would be there bare-breasted etcetera, but as the prophet spoke and the Spirit of God moved out amongst the crowd, the women would realize their nakedness and covered their breasts with their arms. Then when the women went away after the meeting and returned for the next meeting, they were fully covered without the prophet having to say a word about it.
It takes a revelation from the Holy Ghost connected with the bleeding Word of the hour for a boy or girl, man or woman to dress and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in an age of perversion such as this is. God gave Adam and Eve a clothing that would cover the body, but Satan perverts clothing to reveal the body.