Genesis 5: 24: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
Genesis 6: 9: These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
The Bible states that before the Flood Enoch and Noah walked “with” God, whereas after the Flood, Abraham was instructed to walk “before” God (Genesis 17: 1). The relationship that existed between God and man after the Flood was therefore of a more distant nature in comparison to what Enoch and Noah had experienced beforehand. But in the last days, the wondrous walk that Enoch and Noah experienced was to be restored to the Bride by the full opening of the Word, fulfilling Amos 3: 3: Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
To walk with God, one must be established in the present truth (2 Peter 1: 12). Unfortunately for some, they are walking far behind where God is at, and are still emphasizing how God sent a prophet, and are waiting for the Bride’s revival, and for the seventh seal to open, and the seven thunders to sound etcetera. Then there are others who are ahead of God, believing that they are in the Millennium, and are in their glorified bodies etcetera. Whilst some are stuck in the past and others are running ahead, the Bride however is walking in perfect step with Christ, living out Her portion of the Word for the age in which She lives.