Mark 10: 6: But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
The Pharisees had come to Jesus asking Him about divorcement, to which Jesus responded by directing their attention back to the beginning of the creation when God made male and female, and His purpose for them in being joined together as husband and wife. When Jesus referenced back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He called that time “the beginning of the creation.” In this statement is a great clue concerning the age of the universe, for it is commonly assumed that the universe is billions of years old.
When God created the universe and placed the stars and galaxies millions or billions of light-years apart, we as humans often forget that God is able to simply create them in that spot with that kind of distance; He did not have to let much time elapse before they finally settled in their current position. This is best seen when God made Adam and Eve. He did not make them as two tiny little babies that needed nineteen-year-cycles of the earth around the sun to bring them to maturity, but instead created them as young adults in the very bloom of their being. Even the stars that we can see from the earth, although those stars may be millions of light-years away, yet God was able to create them in that position and have their light by His decree reach the earth without any great length of time having to pass for these things to be so. The great failure of scientific man is that He does not understand the methods of a supernatural God, and so he writes up his scientific journals filled with nonsense that does not align with the scriptures.
Let us look again at what Jesus said: “…from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” Now, if the universe is even a billion years old, and the history of mankind since the Fall has been six thousand years, we will immediately notice that our recent history only fills a very tiny space at the end of such a large number, and if that is so, then Adam and Eve were on the earth near the end of the creation, not at the beginning. Jesus’ statement makes plain that the universe is not actually that old, and that Adam and Eve were placed on the earth not too long after its creation. We therefore live in a young universe, and if scientists cannot even date a dinosaur bone correctly (and dinosaurs were made on the sixth day with man, not millions of years prior to man), then we cannot possibly go along with their estimations of the age of our universe.