Israel had three harvests each year; the first was barley harvest, the second was wheat harvest, and the third was the vintage harvest. These three harvests corresponded with Israel’s three major feasts each year; the first was Passover, the second was Pentecost, and the third was Tabernacles. Barley harvest took place during the Passover season in the early Spring, the wheat harvest took place during the Pentecost season in the late Spring, and the vintage harvest took place about the time of Tabernacles in the Autumn.
These three harvests represent God’s dealings with the Jewish Church, the Gentile Church, and those who rejected the Word for their age at the end time. Barley harvest had its fulfillment in the resurrection of the Old Testament saints at Calvary according to 1 Corinthians 5: 7 and Matthew 27: 50 – 53. Wheat harvest has its fulfillment in the resurrection and Rapture of the New Testament saints according to Matthew 13: 24 – 30 and 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 – 17. The vintage harvest has its fulfillment at Armageddon according to Isaiah 63: 1 – 6 and Revelation 14: 17 – 20.