Insanity is the plague that God has poured out upon this last age for its rejection of the Word; and because of this, we are witnessing all kinds of hideous sights in our modern society. The woke movement and its aggressive agenda is especially prominent in this time of judgment, for God has given the people over to strong delusion (2 Thessalonians 2: 11), to uncleanness (Romans 1: 24), to vile affections (Romans 1: 26), and a reprobate mind (Romans 1: 28), that they might destroy their own bodies, their own minds and their souls.
And so in this world filled with immense perversion, we find so many young people especially who think that they are trapped in the wrong body; boys who think they are girls, and girls who think they are boys. Added to this are the kids who think that they are some kind of an animal, or mythical creature, or an alien etcetera. Everybody has their preferred pronouns by which they are to be addressed, and many have resorted to life changing irreversible medications and operations to fashion themselves into the image of the delusion in their minds.
But why is all of this happening? Why is their such an emphasis for everybody to find their supposed “true” identity? It is because Satan is offering the world a perverted version of what God is presently revealing to His sons and daughters. By the preaching of the Word, God is showing us this very striking truth, that “She is Him!” The Bride of Jesus Christ in these last days is walking with the TRUE knowledge that She is the living expression of the male Masterpiece. And whilst the woke disciples become mentally deranged and destroy their bodies with transitioning drugs and operations, the Bride has put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13: 14); She has His thinking (Philippians 2: 5), and Her body will change to glorified condition at the Rapture!