Before the Fall, every insect, bug, and arachnid (such as spiders and scorpions’ etcetera) all had a unique part to play in the harmonious balance of nature. After the Fall, their original qualities and purpose changed, so that we question with great annoyance the original purpose of flies which buzz about out home and the blood-sucking, disease-spreading mosquitoes with their high-pitch whine, circling around us at night. But when the Kingdom of Christ is established on the earth in the Millennium, these creatures shall in no ways be abolished, but shall simply return to the original state for which they had been intended.
To establish this truth, we shall look at an experience of the prophet which he recounted in a sermon entitled, “The Message of Grace” (August 27, 1961). In this message, he tells of how whilst out hunting, the Lord showed him three great big rainbows coming from one source at the top of a hill, and the Voice spoke, saying, “Jesus of the New Testament is Jehovah of the Old; He only changed His mask from Spirit to man.” Then the prophet spoke, asking for his limit of squirrels before 10am. This was the second time he had spoken squirrels into existence, at the exact same spot, as he had done so the year before.
The place where the prophet was standing at that time happened to be a mosquito infested area because it was swamp land, and a big mosquito had just bitten him next to the eye (for he did not have any repellant with him). Because of this, the prophet spoke again, saying that not a single mosquito would bother him for the rest of the day, and that the sun would come out and shine again within thirty minutes. Having addressed the mosquito issue, the prophet did not see nor hear a single mosquito, whereas the place had formerly been swarming with them. As the Lord showed the prophet three rainbows arching out from one source, so the prophet was given three things as a witness on his hunt (the squirrels, no mosquitoes, and sunshine).
This episode with the mosquitoes and their leaving the prophet alone, reveals to us that in the Millennium order will be restored to every aspect of nature, insomuch that we shall not be bothered by flying insects looking to bite, or sting, or draw blood and so forth. These accounts of the prophet (similar to his experience with the hornets whilst cutting his lawn at home) give us clues and a glimpse into how things shall be in the world that is to come.