Luke 17: 34 – 36: I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
In the message, “The Rapture,” preached on December 4, 1965, the prophet stated that he believed the Rapture would take place between six and nine in the morning. Before making this statement, he spoke of how a typical night in Israel was divided into three watches; however the Romans increased this to four watches, the first watch being from sunset to 9pm, the second watch being from 9pm to midnight, the third watch being from midnight to 3am, and the fourth watch being from 3am to sunrise (Matthew 14: 25).
When Jesus spoke about the coming of the Son of Man and the translation of the elect, He showed that the moment of the translation will occur at different times of the day depending on where in the world the elect are because of the earth’s rotation. The two in the bed reveals that it will be nighttime in that part of the world, whilst the two grinding at the mill reveals that it will be morning or evening in that part of the world, and lastly, the two working in the field reveals that it will be midday in that part of the world.
In the statement of the prophet where he believed the Rapture would take place between six and nine in the morning, it is best to consider this in regard to the local time zone in Israel at the moment of the translation, rather than think that it applies to any other time zone in the world. This is the best and most sensible option. Whether the words of the prophet were of a prophetic nature or just his personal thoughts concerning the timing of the Rapture, remains to be seen, however it will surely be within those morning hours somewhere in the world.