The first seal = The Serpent beguiled Eve in Genesis 3: 1 – 5, just as the Nicolaitans conquered the church (Revelation 2: 6).
The second seal = Cain slew Abel in Genesis 4: 8, just as Catholicism martyred millions of Christians during the Dark Ages.
The third seal = The imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was wicked continually in Genesis 6: 5 so that political manipulation and the inventions of man controlled the world.
The fourth seal = Spiritual death (eternal separation from God) spread throughout the earth as man became more godless.
The fifth seal = The earth became filled with violence in Genesis 6: 11.
Between the fifth seal and the sixth seal is Genesis 6: 13 – 21 & Genesis 7: 1 – 4 wherein God (Revelation 10: 1) revealed Himself to Noah (Revelation 10: 7).
The sixth seal = The Flood destroyed the earth in Genesis 7: 11 – 12, 17 – 23.
The seventh seal = Noah and his family entered the new world in Genesis 8: 18 – 19.