Revelation 13: 11: And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
America’s connection with the number thirteen is very strong and is a common recurring motif in its heraldry. It’s first flag had thirteen stars and thirteen stripes. The stars represented the number of states in the new union, whilst the stripes represented the number of British colonies from which the nation was created. The Great Seal of the United States has thirteen stars, and the chest shield has thirteen stripes. The eagle’s right talons hold an olive branch which has thirteen olives and thirteen olive leaves, whilst the eagle’s left talons hold a sheave of thirteen arrows. In the eagle’s mouth is a scroll with a Latin motto consisting of thirteen letters, and on the seal’s reverse side is an unfinished pyramid consisting of thirteen levels.
The nation itself is prophesied of in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation whereby John saw a beast coming out of the earth with two horns like a lamb but that spoke as a dragon. This second beast represented the nation of America that came into existence in the new world. As opposed to the ocean that is filled with marine life and from which the first beast rose up in Revelation 13: 1 (Rome came to great power in Europe), the earth beneath us is uninhabited, much like America was, having only native Indians living in it whose number was very small in comparison to Europe’s vast population.
The rise of America is described as an animal with two horns like a lamb. What John saw was the bison (buffalo), which is the national mammal of the country it represented in the vision. The two horns represent the initial separation of civil (political) power and ecclesiastical (religious) power, or church and state. There are no crowns upon the horns of the bison, unlike the crowns upon the horns of the Roman beast (Revelation 13: 1) because America was a democratic nation, not a monarchy or dictatorship.
In seeing the American bison and attributing qualities of a lamb to it is also of great significance. A lamb is a young animal that has not had enough time to mature into a fully grown ram. This shows that America is a relatively young nation. Having achieved nationhood in 1776, America is only 246 years old in comparison to the nations of Europe that have existed for well over a thousand years. Being like a lamb reveals that America was a religious Protestant nation whose Constitution was founded on the Bible; but this lamb spoke like a dragon much later on, showing that the power of Roman Catholicism would eventually take over the nation; and today, the president as the figurehead of the nation says and does what the Roman power behind him has instructed him to do (church and state have now united). The economic and military might of America has for decades been used by Rome to achieve its own secret agenda in the world.