The sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects in the skies all over the world has caused man to speculate that our planet is being visited by alien life from other worlds inside the universe. The claim is an unfounded one, for we learn from the Bible that God created the universe and established life on planet Earth alone. Still, man has feared an alien invasion from the skies, and yet this fear does have some credibility in the Bible, for in Revelation 19, Christ and His Bride return from Heaven to Earth for the great battle of Armageddon.
Before God destroyed Sodom, He sent down two angels in Genesis 19 to investigate the condition of the city and to pull out Lot and his family. In Ezekiel 9 the man clothed in linen was sent to mark those who sighed and cried for all the abominations done in Jerusalem. In Matthew 22 the king came in among the guests that had been invited to the marriage of his son. In Hebrews 13 we learn of how some have entertained angels unawares. Among the many sightings in the skies are genuine visitations of investigating angels sent by the God of Heaven to search out the people’s hearts in a time when mercy comes to an end and judgment sets in.
What is worth mentioning here is that there are actually two kinds of flying object activity in the skies. The first is angelic activity in the form of investigating angels (as we have already made mention of), whilst the second is UAP’s or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. UAP’s are manmade and serve military purposes. They are generally tictac-shaped, silvery-grey in colour, and possess anti-gravity abilities; they can also move very quickly and be equipped with weapons if necessary. What separates UAP’s from UFO’s however, is that a UAP cannot shape-shift and immediately vanish, for being manmade, they do not possess supernatural characteristics.
Although there are all manner of claims of flying saucers and alien abductions etcetera, these stories are spun from the lips of those who are under the influence of lying spirits, even as a lying spirit entered the mouth of Ahab’s prophets to speak convincingly of things that were not true (1 Kings 22: 19 – 23). Added to this are genuine visual sightings, video footage, and photographs of mysterious activity in the skies that puzzle even the brightest minds. However, in the midst of all that has been seen in the skies above us, God does have His angels sent to the earth on special missions in the hour of the Rapture, sometimes even flying in battle formation. And one of these days, our angels in Heaven (Matthew 18: 10), our theophanies, will come back to the earth and pick up our flesh bodies, bringing us to glorified condition, and together we will be translated from this world to the next (1 Corinthians 15: 51 – 52; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 – 17).